Archive for Humour

Jesus > Easter Bunny

I worked this evening – Easter Sunday. And although I’ve been missing my family, spending Easter with the guys that I support was one of the best alternatives.

As a support worker for three young guys with developmental disabilities, things can get difficult at times, but others can be extremely hilarious and rewarding. Tonight was one of those special nights.

Going into work on Easter, I expected to hear a great deal about the Easter Bunny and how great he (she?) is. However, that was thankfully not the case. Instead, I was so encouraged about the enthusiasm these guys had about their love for Jesus. Even though the Easter Bunny “had come” and “dropped off” chocolates for them, that was not their main focus. One of the guys in particular could not cease to talk about Jesus and his love for him the whole night.

Here’s where the hilarity and the fun came in: I began to read from one of their books consisting of a bunch of easy to follow Bible stories. One of the guys decided that he wanted to act out Jesus’ parts. To do this effectively, he retrieved a bath towel and wrapped it around his waist. As I read the story of the crucifixion (as per his request), he stood up and stretched out his arms as if Jesus on the cross. He went through Jesus’ death and burial, and when it came time for Jesus’ resurrection he sprang to his feet with such excitement and said [speaking to Jesus] “Thank you, Jesus – You came to life. I’m so happy!!!”

This guy loves Jesus, and I have always known this, but his love for Him has normally been equated with all the members of the make-believe crew (Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, etc). It was so refreshing to hear him talking about Jesus (the real meaning of Easter) so persistently and with such vigor.

I was really encouraged tonight and I’m glad that I had a chance to spend Easter with them. It was honestly so much fun!

And with that, I leave you with other cute and thoughtful statements made by the guys:

“I loooooove Jesus. …Not Satan.”

“God has a grey beard.”

“Jesus won’t get mad that we’re acting like him, eh? He won’t mind?”

“I don’t like the guards – they hit Jesus. Boom!”

“I’m done acting now. I’m tired. I’m a good actor.”

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Life with HD (Episode 2)

Well, HD is a hit. Her quotable words produced much laughter last week and thus she has given me the go to post more (she enjoys the prospect of fame, I presume).

Sometimes I wish that I could be home more often so that I could fully enjoy her and all she has to say. Here are only some from this week. Believe me, there are more.

HD: Today I thought I went deaf in one ear because I couldn’t hear my music. Turns out it was ’cause my left ear bud stopped working.
Me [laughing]: What? How long did it take you to realize this?
HD: Ummm, about an hour or so.

HD: Six degrees of correlation!

NK: What would you do if Taylor Swift came to our house?
HD: I’d make her butter chicken!!!

TN: Us housemates need to have a picnic!
NK: With candles!
HD [in a very serious tone]: No. No candles. That’s a fire hazard.

Me: Want to hear what I wrote for class about my adventures in Panama?
HD: Yeah sure.
Me [reading my Spanish assignment]
HD [interupts 5 sentences in]: Wait. That’s NOT English!

HD: Awesomeosis – when awesomeness goes from high concentration to low concentration.

HD: One day I’m going to make sense to everyone.

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Life with HD

HD is one of my lovely housemates. My life since she has moved in has been significantly enhanced. My other housemates and I have agreed that she is one of the most quotable people EVER.

Below are the gems she has allowed me to share. Enjoy!

HD: “Knuckles are the knee caps of the finger.”

HD: “Oh it’s a dish cloth? I thought it was a decoration!”

HD: “Amanda, how come boys haven’t realized your awesomeness. You’re just so… awesome!”

HD: “I’m never going to a sushi buffet ever again! Alone… Amanda, can I borrow some peptobismol?”

HD: “Who’s a genius?!? Who’s a genius?!? I’m a genius!”

HD: [referencing Thousand Splendid Suns] “Y’know, people at my work actually read that ‘Thousand Splitted Ends’ book.”

Aside from being extremely entertaining, HD also dabbles in cooking. View her tasty eats here!

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Marie-Annette (Marionette!)

Introducing Marie-Annette! Otherwise known as a marionette/finger puppet.

Marie-Annette the marionette

Now before anyone starts thinking that I am a nerdy knitter that makes finger puppets of cute creatures in her spare time, let me explain. I never intended to make this. I was learning how to knit mittens and to test my skills, instead of knitting a ton of stitches, I just decided to knit a few and later undo them. Well, I got a hang of it, and realized that my little knitted tube was beginning to look like the beginnings of a finger puppet. But what does one do with a finger puppet if one ends up making one? So before I went knitting any further, I had to decide what I was going to do with it. In my mind, adults do not own finger puppets. Even if they did put their heart and soul into making it.

So I thought to myself: I need to give it away! But to whom? I thought of any young children that I knew. Not many. But luckily my grandparents just adopted a little girl! [HA. That sounds so random. But very, very true.] What better way to welcome my new (8 year old) aunt into the Smith family than to give her a little homemade finger puppet?!

So on I went continuing this puppet having no clue how it’d turn out. And voilà, a little mouse was born.

Now, Marie-Annette is chillin’ in our kitchen until she gets to meet the girl she was designed to please. But until then, who wouldn’t go on a little photo shoot with their creation?

The life of a mouse - scurrying on the floor

Bookmice (reference to a 90s kids show, did you catch it?)

She has mad piano skills.

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Octopus Battle

I played with mini octopuses.

My housemate needed them for a really neat school project. After she was done with them, we decided to have a photoshoot with these little guys.

The aftermath of one octopus being hurled into the air by another.


BONUS: Tentacles close-up

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Remain Strangers

I live in a basement and have no mercy for bugs that cross the boundary between the outdoors and my home. They never have a chance.

But today was different. I met him.

Do not stare at a bug for too long. You will develop familiarity and will never be able to take its life. Squoosh them while you are still strangers. I made that mistake today.

I found him beneath my computer chair. I looked into his eyes, and he into mine. I saw his waving antennae and his beady little black eyes. He begged to be friends. I accepted. We had a photo shoot. Of one picture.

If you look closely [click on the image to take a closer look at his cuteness] you can see a little piece of fluff behind him. I tried to free him from it, however my attempts resulted in him being dragged backwards while it still remained attached.

Currently, he is walking the length of my room enjoying being alive while still trailing the mini dust bunny. What a cutie.

I shall not name him. That’s insane.

In addition: As a child growing up I thought that these bugs which I would find under rocks and in basements were named “Potato Bugs”. Do NOT Google “Potato Bug”. I did. It is not the cute bug that you have found in your room. It is something that will make you exclaim “Naahh” when you realize that Google decided to place images in your search.

Disclaimer: This was not a serious post. The bug is gone. However has not yet met its death.

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